Certified Neck Lift Plastic Surgery NY

Turn Back Time with Facelift Surgery NY

Refine Your Neckline with Neck Lift Surgery NY

Over time, your skin loses some of its natural elasticity and begins to droop and age. As we age, many of us begin to see an older looking self with deep creases, lines, jowls, and a sagging neck, that is all too often frustrating and disappointing. A Facelift/ neck lift surgery NY is often the best way to remove unwanted wrinkles, lift and rejuvenate your face so you look forward to seeing who’s in the mirror.

With the help of a facelift surgery NY, Dr. Elkowitz can reverse the effects of aging, correct a sagging neck and regain the most essential elements of a youthful face, using the most advanced minimal scar techniques.

satisfied patient after her facelift
One of our satisfied patients. 54 year old with a facelift. Click here to see more results.


  • Say goodbye to wrinkles and lines and hello to natural-looking results
  • Look effortlessly put-together and youthful, no matter what kind of day may come your way
  • If you look older than your age or simply want to look even younger, we help you achieve your goals
  • Increased confidence
  • Quick week recovery time of just a few weeks
  • Long-lasting results


  • With the help of a facelift surgery NY and/or necklift, you can reverse the effects of aging and regain the most essential elements of a youthful face, such as smooth skin and sharp contours. These popular procedures address aging and weight-loss related issues like reduced skin elasticity, deep creases, and jowls. By placing incisions in natural shadows and contours in the facelift or neck lift surgery NY, we can tighten the facial and neck musculature and in turn, get rid of excess sagging skin.

Hear from Dr. Elkowitz

Dr. Elkowitz Explains Facial Rejuvenation Procedures



By placing incisions in the natural shadows and contours of your face, Dr. Elkowitz can tighten facial, neck musculature, and get rid of excess sagging skin. Thanks to our cutting-edge techniques, Dr. Elkowitz is especially skilled at avoiding the overdone or so-called “wind tunnel” look and delivering beautiful yet incredibly natural long-lasting results.

Before and After

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