Our eyebrows often tell a story that we don’t agree with! Eyebrows can droop or be asymmetric for many reasons, but they all too often project a look of aging, tiredness and even anger. Drooping eyebrows also contribute to and worsen the appearance of your upper eyelids. The truth is, eyebrows are an often-overlooked feature and their position can have a dramatic effect on your appearance without you even realizing it. Many times, Botox type medications can even exacerbate the problem.
Dr.Elkowitz can evaluate your eyebrow position and how that is affecting your appearance in minutes, and then he can formulate a plan specific to your needs with eyebrow lift surgery NY. A simple brow lift is often the answer for patients looking to rejuvenate their brow, forehead and upper eyelid area. Sometimes patients benefit from combined upper eyelid blepharoplasty and eyebrow lift surgery NY. This combined approach, balancing the eyebrows and upper eyelids at the same time is just what is needed to give patients a natural and amazing result! Whatever works best for you, Plastic Surgery of New York’s patient-driven and surgeon-guided approach ensures that natural-looking results are achieved, every time.
Dr. Elkowitz Discusses How a Brow Lift Rejuvenates the Face